
Friday, 23 December 2011

Nearly Christmas Everybody!

 So it is almost that time of year. When we can all finally chill out after the P.M.T ( Pre-Merrimental-Tension!)
 For the festivities begin for many from lunch time today! At least that is what I recall when I was working as an office worker! Some may, depending on the boss or occupation of course be working through the Christmas period, In which case may I offer my sympathies and hope that some of the spirit of the season finds it way to you somehow.

For some though the stress carries on , especially for those who still haven't bought for their loved ones! Well you'd think the way people stock pile food and drink the world was about to end!? I mean the stupid thing is the sales are going to be on within a matter of days and most of the shops are open!

As for a white Christmas, change that to wet! Oh well at least travel disruption should me minimal as opposed to when we last had a dollop of the white stuff!

So I'll take this opportunity to wish you all  Merry Christmas & A New Year that is a prosperous and hopeful one.  " Proper Bo! "

Friday, 16 December 2011

Bentley In The Snow

Work in progress picture created in Photoshop. Will add more detail to it later.

White Christmas!??

Wow! Winter has almost certainly arrived! The wellies were on, I was "Scott of the Antarctic"! Hood zipped up gloves on and to make it feel extra festive, I had a playlist of Christmas songs on the I-Pod! It played Winter Wonderland and it felt like it! For a while then the cold hit me first in my toes and then I couldn't get my fingers to function! Owww!
 Don't get me wrong or think me a miserable person but I love the idea of snow the way it makes everything look magical and as an artist feel inspired to capture the beauty on camera or in a piece of work. Reality is it makes your clothes wet, numbness in your fingers that actually hurts, not to mention toes! Incidentally the dog even though wearing a coat ( don't judge me! ) As you have to keep them warm too you know!? Ended up looking like a drowned rat!
So glad to be home, several hot cups of tea, porridge.  I just about managed to get the feeling back in my fingers and toes!!

Merry Christmas!

Role on Summer!

Monday, 12 December 2011

The first of many

 Now having mastered one social network site and a recent tweeter,  I felt it only right that I gave blogging a go!
 Along with my website I will be able to communicate my latest work as well as any ramblings or interesting videos, views and news from the world. In my case I thought the title suggests the sense that one gets while working on artwork whether it be a drawing or on a application such as Photoshop or Maya. The amount of hours that go by is frightening!