
Friday, 23 December 2011

Nearly Christmas Everybody!

 So it is almost that time of year. When we can all finally chill out after the P.M.T ( Pre-Merrimental-Tension!)
 For the festivities begin for many from lunch time today! At least that is what I recall when I was working as an office worker! Some may, depending on the boss or occupation of course be working through the Christmas period, In which case may I offer my sympathies and hope that some of the spirit of the season finds it way to you somehow.

For some though the stress carries on , especially for those who still haven't bought for their loved ones! Well you'd think the way people stock pile food and drink the world was about to end!? I mean the stupid thing is the sales are going to be on within a matter of days and most of the shops are open!

As for a white Christmas, change that to wet! Oh well at least travel disruption should me minimal as opposed to when we last had a dollop of the white stuff!

So I'll take this opportunity to wish you all  Merry Christmas & A New Year that is a prosperous and hopeful one.  " Proper Bo! "

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